The value of a pre-construction and development manager
Written By Kristian Cichon, ME, BE, Director of Acquisitions, Deugen Development
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Construction and development has time and time again proven to be an unpredictable environment. That is especially evident in today’s climate amidst the rollercoaster of material and labor costs, shifting demand of assets and challenges navigating political landscapes.
For any novice or even seasoned property owner, this provides an extra layer of challenges when it comes to development. A proactive solution for owners to mitigate risk and explore additional value is to secure a strong Construction Manager. ‘CMs’ perform on behalf of an owner rather than in a competitive relationship as is more frequently seen from a General Contractor. Instead, the CM jumps on in the pre-construction phase assisting with the design and planning phase.There have been many studies done about the design process throughout the years, and they all continue to arrive at a similar conclusion: The decisions made at the early stages of the design process have the most impact on the success of the project.